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Scents That Can Help You Get Rid of Squirrels

Even if squirrels are cute, they can also be annoying, mainly when they aim at your home or yard. Squirrels mate two times a year, which means you’ll come across a wild family of baby squirrels more often than you’d like. They also like staying on attic so in order to get rid of squirrels in attic, you need to call experts.

Their good sense of smell is use too look for source of food and shelter. You can fend off squirrels with scents they hate like capsaicin, white wine vinegar, peppermint oil, coffee grounds, cinnamon, predator urine, garlic, dryer sheets, Irish spring soap, and rosemary.

Squirrels Stay Away From Capsaicin
Unsurprisingly, squirrels hate spicy and pungent aromas. Capsaicin scent alone is enough to keep squirrels out of areas where you don’t want them. Both white and black pepper and chili powder are great options as sources of capsaicin.

Squirrels Hate White Vinegar
Get rid of squirrels with white vinegar sprays. This is a pretty straightforward process! You need a simple spray bottle, such as a spray bottle.

Peppermint Oil Naturally Repels Squirrels
In addition to various health benefits, essential oils have been shown to keep pests out of the home and garden.

Coffee Grounds Naturally Deter Squirrels
If you have composted or discarded the coffee grounds you have already used, you now have a natural solution to repel squirrels. Yes, squirrels hate the smell and feel of used coffee grounds. While there is no scientific evidence that coffee grounds repel squirrels, the fact is that used coffee grounds are an unknown scent to squirrels and may indicate that there are people nearby.

Cinnamon Keeps Squirrels Away
If you’ve accidentally put a large spoonful of cinnamon on your face, you know how hot it can get. In small amounts, cinnamon is a delicious spice. However, it is a spice! Cinnamon, especially ground cinnamon, keeps squirrels away. This is because cinnamon in larger doses can irritate a squirrel’s sinuses. To use cinnamon to repel squirrels, spread a large amount around the area where you want to keep squirrels away.

Irish Spring Soap Can Repel Squirrel
Scented soaps finally have notes in their scent that certain animals can repel. With its woody scent, Irish Spring Soap can repel squirrels in a similar way to raccoons.

Rosemary Drives Away Squirrels
Rosemary can repel squirrels. Squirrels don’t like the smell of rosemary. You need to be able to get a strong rosemary scent to keep squirrels away. Otherwise, a hint of rosemary won’t be enough to keep squirrels away.

If all else fails, contact your local rodent or pest control company to see how they can help you. They can get rid of squirrels away from your home and garden and what to do next if you can’t control them yourself.

Entertainment At Home – Watching Soap Operas: The Royals Season 5 And Playing Video Games

Entertainment fires up the brain’s pleasure and reward centers making it pivotal and fundamental to humanity. When entertainment is selected freely, it could result in wanted states, like recreation and relaxation, and could stir emotions and feelings which enrich day-to-day life. The emotional as well as social satisfactions that entertainment provides are amplified by the positive impact it has on a person’s health and executive functioning.

Entertainment At Home

There are many types of entertainment, but not all are available at home, such as Exhibition Entertainment like art exhibits, museums, and festivals, or Live Entertainment like spectator sports, variety shows, and street theater.

Media Entertainment – Soap Operas Like The Royals Season 5

Watching movies and TV shows/series is a form of Media Entertainment. As most households have televisions, it is one of the most accessible and available entertainment at home. Aside from movies, people are drawn to soap operas.

One American primetime soap opera that many tuned in to is The Royals, which ran for four seasons.  It is about a fictional British family of royals in present-day London, living in a world of wealth and royal traditions catering to all of their desires. However, duty, destiny, as well as extreme scrutiny from the public are the price tags for these. It is a story filled with drama and thriller where there is war and dispute between family members so as to own a throne. Many viewers who follow the show wonder if this conflict will continue until The Royals Season 5.

Sadly, viewers who are fans of the primetime television show since it first aired in 2015 won’t get to know what happens in The Royals Season 5 as it has been officially canceled. When E! announced the cancellation of the reign of The Royals after four glorious seasons, fans of the show were upset and frustrated as there are still many unanswered questions. But many as still hopeful for season to happen.

Watching soap operas, for many people, has become a ritual to unwind or relax, a chance to escape everyday routine. Another reason why a lot of people are drawn into watching soap operas is the evident “ordinariness” or “familiarity” of many of the characters, even some situations, wherein viewers are able to relate to them. Bottom line is that soap operas are enjoyed by many because of the entertainment value it provides.

Electronic Entertainment – Video Games

Playing video and computer games is another activity that many engage in for some entertainment. It is a type of Electronic Entertainment. Like televisions, people have access to some kind of electronic device to play games, such as computers, tablets, and of course smartphones.

Similar to watching soap operas, playing video games offers escapism allowing people to escape and take a break from daily routines, as well as the stresses and realities of life.

In modern culture, video games have come to be ubiquitous and have transcended the designations for “new technology” and “fad” making it a staple of modern entertainment. Quite clearly, for individuals who play them, video games as well as computer games are very entertaining.

Apart from video and computer games being fun and enjoyable, good quality ones offer numerous benefits as well. This includes improving fine motor skills and hand-eye coordination, encourage cooperation and teamwork when playing with others, develop and enrich skills in math, reading, problem-solving, and learning more about technology, and more.
