WEBINT: Positive Effects of Video Games
For a long time, video games have been played old and young, by both women and men. Video games have been played on smartphones, computers, and consoles. They control the entertainment industry and e-sports is a mass phenomenon.
Players can immerse themselves in a wide variety of worlds and compete with or against each other.
WEBINT solution: Benefits of video games
Perception and attention skills can be increased through video games and spatial imagination is trained. Video games also often offer new cognitive challenges and the opportunity to explore places or objects. So they are similar to traditional games. Video games can have a relaxing effect and encourage socialization with people of the same age.
Many games also appeal to the creativity and visual-spatial thinking of the players. In Minecraft, for example, players can let their imagination run wild and build and design buildings and worlds freely according to their ideas.
In games like Drawful, players can even reward their fellow players for particularly creative ideas with bonus points. Nonviolent games, in which players help each other, can also lead to an increase in empathy so that they help other people more quickly in an emergency.
As more and more people are playing, you cannot avoid the threats to video games. This is why webint solution is important.
Use WEBINT solution to be more social and happier through the video game
Children playing video games have more social behavior and higher life satisfaction than non-gamers. Nonetheless, this effect only occurs in children who play less than an hour a day. If they play more, there are no more positive effects. And if they play a lot, negative effects predominate instead. The reason could be that other enriching activities from the everyday life of the children are no longer due to the long video game time. It is also possible that children with lower life satisfaction are more attracted to video games.
But not only the length of time you play is decisive, but also the genre and the way in which the game is played. The content of a game can determine whether negative or positive effects on social behavior are to be expected. And to avoid video games cyber threats, parents should make use of possible solutions.